Thursday, August 22, 2013

Good Fat vs. Yummy [Bad] Fat

In this superficial quest for a smaller waistline there are a lot of things that you're going to have to change about your day to day life. It sucks at first, but you'll eventually get used to it, we have an inane ability to adjust. I just came across this infographic on that compares good vs. bad fat:

General Guidelines for Choosing healthy fats
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.

Unfortunately all of the bad fats are DELICIOUS; but after your pallet adjusts to eating good fats they become your NEW delicious indulgences. 

*Example* I started buying Greek yogurt instead of regular a couple of years ago. It's super healthy and has a ton of protein which makes it perfect for breakfast. Nothing like starting off the day on the right foot eh?! My point is I don't feel like I'm sacrificing when I pull out a greek yogurt from the fridge. That's just the yogurt I eat. End of story. Eventually I know I'll become like that with everything (like spaghetti squash, bleck!) but just remember right now it sucks for all of us. It's not just you!

Now I just have to come up with a good mantra to repeat to myself when I really want onion rings!

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